Monkey see monkey do

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Millions and millions of us are connected through a phone screen,

We depend on Wi-Fi more than natural in person human connection,

Wi-Fi, the internet, social media, whichever title you prefer has put us in global sized barrel,

In this barrel it’s a monkey see monkey do mentality,

As the years go by with us becoming more and more connected with people we’ve never seen face to face we continue to lose our grace as a species,

Some of us lie to ourselves saying we are “different” but here we are sharing a barrel with everyone we label as the “same”,

If you login to Twitter you’ll see the same 5-10 topics floating around yearly,

People who say they are all for peace tearing each other apart to pieces in threads when someone’s opinion doesn’t align with theirs,

People not standing on what they believe in if an opposing tweet surfaces and garners enough attention and retweet’s,

Now suddenly that person is swayed to the other side,

Mainly due to their thoughts or opinion not being the popular one,

Being connected to the masses is steering us away from our own personal thoughts and opinions,

Steering us away from who we truly are,

There’s a reason why when you’re out in public you see 10-15 men dressed almost entirely the same,

Same ideologies, same hairstyles, and of course they’re quick to voice the common phrase “I’m just different”,

If there really was a difference than subtracting the masses thoughts from your own would show it, you don’t have to tell us,

Women tend to be in happy relationships with a loving partner,

The normal ups and downs will surface, that’s just life,

When Instagram begins to third wheel in their relationship is when things begin to plummet,

Suddenly, the monthly bouquet of roses her partner gifted her with isn’t enough,

She felt cared for & truly special the previous months she was surprised by it,

It was not until she was scrolling down the timeline and viewed another woman being gifted flowers and jewelry biweekly,

She felt jealous and comparison is the thief of joy,

Now she’s frustrated,

Her thoughts went from thinking she was special and cared for to suddenly questioning…does he even love me?

We spend so much time on our phones wanting to live the life of people we don’t know,

We only know the glamour they show us through the screen,

Our anxiety and depression are continuously getting worse,

We’re masking it as a species in so many unique ways that we don’t even realize we all need to disconnect at times,

Too much following and it’s evident on the platforms we all spend so much of our time on,

A bit judgy but I too find myself in this barrel,

I am just aware of it, which in the end has some power to it.

– Kenny Rhymes

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